Rice engineering students win Global E&C Forum scholarships
HOUSTON -Two engineering students at Rice University have been named recipients of partial tuition scholarships for the 2011-2012 academic year by the Rice Global Engineering & Construction (E&C) Forum.
2011 E&C Forum scholarship winner Ann O. Ofulue is a graduate student majoring in chemical engineering, who wants to help find sustainable solutions for satisfying society’s growing appetite for energy. She is studying economics and project management in addition to chemical engineering to bring her closer to her goal.
2011 E&C Forum scholarship winner William Davis Martin is an undergraduate student pursuing a double major in mechanical engineering and managerial studies, who professes to a life-long passion for building and creating new things. An extremely focused student who enjoys teaching himself new things in his spare time, he has a NASA internship this summer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Edwards, California.
The Rice Global E&C Forum awards scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $7,500 in value each spring, with priority given to School of Engineering professional masters or terminal research masters students interested in the engineering and construction industry or in careers in companies and industries that employ E&C companies. The E&C industry historically has hired graduates of chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering programs at Rice. The E&C Forum’s scholarships are open to students of all disciplines in the School of Engineering at Rice.
EDITORS: The Rice Global E&C Forum is a voluntary industry-academic organization dedicated to stimulating original thinking about the major economic, political, and technological challenges and opportunities confronting global engineering and construction companies
For further information, please contact: Nancy Tucker, E&C Forum administrative assistant, at 713-348-6340 or 713-724-4244 (cellular); Professor Ed Segner, Rice University, chair of the E&C Forum scholarship committee, at 713-348-2381; or A. D. Koen, E&C Forum media advisor, at 713-812-1623 (office) or 713-294-8728 (cellular); or by e-mail at adkoen@comcast.net.
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