6:00 – 8:00 PM |
Cocktail Reception |
SPEAKER: Ronald Oligney, CEO, ZEEP Incorporated |
7:00 – 8:00 AM |
Networking & Continental Breakfast |
8:00 – 8:15 AM |
Welcome & Opening Remarks |
8:15 – 8:30 AM |
Remarks from Luay Nakhleh, Dean, Rice University George R. Brown School of Engineering |
8:30 – 9:20 AM |
Opening Keynote: “Redefining the Energy Norm” |
SPEAKER: Aura Cuellar, Vice President of Energy Transition, Shell | |
Tackling climate change is an urgent challenge. Society’s expectations are changing. Our customers’ needs and preferences are changing. In short, the world’s energy needs are changing — and they need to change. Join Aura Cuellar, Shell’s Vice President of US Energy Transition, in walking through the global energy transition and the changes the industry, and society, are making to reach a lower-carbon future. | |
9:20 – 9:45 AM |
Intermission |
9:45 – 10:45 AM |
“Future of Energy in the Middle East: What Role for the US?” |
SPEAKER: Jim Krane, Baker Institute, Rice University | |
The oil producing countries of the Middle East face a difficult dilemma when it comes to the global efforts to address climate change. On one hand the region faces the decline or loss of its primary source of government revenue, oil, alongside the decline of its strategic importance to the global economy. The Middle East is also on the front lines of climate change, with dangerous heat waves already threatening viability of long-term habitation in numerous places. This talk focuses on these issues and several emerging strategies the region is using to address climate change. | |
10:45 – 11:30 AM |
“ESG & Diversity in the Workplace” |
SPEAKER: Paula Glover, Alliance to Save Energy | |
The energy industry is changing quickly, and companies are faced with evolving priorities beyond business operations. Successful organizations must make environmental stewardship, workforce diversity and social responsibility to the broader community. These must become core tenets of each company’s mission and vision. But why is this conversation happening now – and why should companies care? In this session, Paula Glover, president of Alliance to Save Energy, a national energy efficiency advocacy group, will explore these questions as well as how prioritizing energy efficiency in operations is a solution for all three aspects of “ESG.” | |
11:30 AM – 12:30 PM |
Lunch |
12:30 – 1:30 PM |
“Project Funding & Investor Focus on Renewables” |
SPEAKER: Victor Flansburg, Triten Energy |
The financial community has been very vocal in the past few years about their desire to focus on investing in projects with an ESG (environmental, social and governance) focus. But what about conventional projects? This session will look at project funding for downstream projects during the energy transition. Topics discussed include financial and strategic investment rationale in conventional and ESG projects, as well as factors to be considered by EPC companies approaching projects that are supported by both financial and strategic partners. | |
1:30 – 2:30 PM |
Panel: “Building Flexible Contracting Strategies (Renewables / Fossil Fuels)” |
SPEAKERS: Robert Garner, King & Spalding Steve Conway, Wood Rich Wall, Bechtel Martin Siddle, Clough MODERATOR: Vikas Moharir, Matrix PDM Engineering |
This panel will discuss methods for structuring and implementing flexible contracting strategies for conventional fossil fuel projects and how lessons learned from past projects can be deployed in the today’s fast-growing and diverse renewables market. Panel participants consist of operations leaders with global profit and loss responsibilities and extensive experience in negotiating, and successfully delivering, profitable capital projects in multiple industry sectors. | |
2:30 – 2:45 PM |
Intermission |
2:45 – 3:45 PM |
Panel: “Best Practices from the New Normal” |
SPEAKERS: Lisa Haley, Nacero Chris Celano, IHI Samantha Coker, Worley Brandon Spencer, ABB MODERATOR: Noe Saenz, Burns & McDonnell |
Over the past two years the development and execution of capital projects have been impacted by multiple challenges: COVID-19, geopolitics and ESG. The group will discuss:
This panel will focus on how E&C companies can do more than simply survive in the future…but rather how they can thrive as we move beyond. |
3:45 – 4:00 PM |
Closing Remarks |